Karytha Neck & Décolletage cream 【Karytha 颈纹修复霜】

  • $381.61
    單價 每 
  • 儲存 $42.40
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Advanced Australian Biological extraction technology ACTIFC.
ACTIFCOL is an extract of Black forest mushroom. It can improve the quality of collagen synthesis, reduce the deterioration and loss of collagen, making the skin firmer and younger.

As a product recommended by Australian dermatologists, it can effectively relieve neck wrinkles in 28 days. Keep using it for 28 days can effectively alleviate the neck wrinkles issue, successfully preventing stretch marks, obesity marks and pigmentation.

1. Begin by warming a pea-size amount of our neck cream between your fingertips, spreading across the palms and your fingers.

2. Apply this cream to the neck, spreading all over the skin with your fingertips, using upward motions until the product has partially absorbed into the skin.

3. Using flat fingers, follow the neck contour and massage the neck with sweeping and lifting motions. Use alternate hands and sweep upwards to the jawline moving slowly from left to the right.

4. Gently tilt your head backward and hold this position for three seconds, this movement will lengthen and stretch the neck muscles. Finish the stretch by slowly tilting your head back down to its natural position.

5. To stretch the side of the neck, gently turn your head to the left side and using flat fingers locate and trace the neck muscle. Using your left hand, gently perform lifting and sweeping motions, starting at the base of the neck and moving up towards the jawline.

6. Repeat on the right side with your right hand. For the final step, place your right hand over your décolleté and sweep across towards your left shoulder. Repeat with your left hand towards your right shoulder, repeating this motion three times.

7. To finish your neck cream application, take three deep breaths through the nose and exhale through the mouth.





