Korean Ginseng Extract 10g x 30 stiks

  • $1,801.83
    單價 每 
內含稅金。 結帳時計算運費

Korean Red Ginseng Extract 365

韩国红参提取物 365 - 易用

Fall in simplicity (100% Korean 6 years root red ginseng)
One piece per day to improve immunity, improve memory, resist oxidation, inhibit platelet aggregation, and improve fatigue
辅料: 灵芝,黄精,杜仲,白芍药,覆盆子,枸杞等
Supplementary materials: Ganoderma lucidum, polygonatum, eucommia, white woodland peony, rubus coreanus, lycium, ect.

Product of Korea
